
To maintain its future service plan, IndyGo conducts a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) of our transit system every five years. These in-depth studies help identify service strengths and opportunities for improvement, even when there are local route improvements that haven’t been made yet. Below are summaries of the past several COAs that IndyGo has performed.


We’re Getting Indy Moving Again!

During the pandemic, IndyGo pressed pause on the remainder of its network redesign. Beginning in 2021 and throughout 2022, IndyGo performed another COA aimed at reviewing the remaining service modifications. After several months of community and stakeholder outreach that was followed by an intensive public engagement period during the month of October 2022, IndyGo staff put forward some strategic changes to the remainder of the network redesign. The result is a new future service plan that will be phased in over the next several years. This updated plan reinforces the vision developed in the 2016 MCTP and reflects the changes in how people travel as well as our future revenue projections.

This research and these findings informed the Indianapolis Metropolitan Development Organization’s update to the larger Central Indiana Transit Plan. For more information about this plan, click HERE.


Putting a Plan in Motion!

The desire to redesign IndyGo’s entire bus network was established in the 2016 Marion County Transit Plan (MCTP). It was this plan that created the steadfast vision to shift IndyGo from a largely coverage-designed system to a system that focused on generating more ridership. This version of the MCTP has been updated several times since its adoption, and significant progress has been made toward completing IndyGo’s network redesign. Most notable are the launch of the Red Line bus rapid transit route, the deployment of service seven days a week, an increase in service frequency for some routes, and new buses.​

IndyGo Forward Volume II Final Report


Laying the Groundwork!

In December 2009, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) and IndyGo commissioned the completion of a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the existing IndyGo transit system and the travel market it operates within, providing the basis for designing a new network plan. The need for the plan stemmed from the desire to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of the current IndyGo system while responding to a decrease in funding levels following the economic recession that occurred between 2007 and 2009. Key to the study was the need to find strategies to better use existing resources to grow system ridership pending more significant financial resources becoming available as part of the development of a Central Indiana Regional Transportation System.

Final Report – Part 1

Final Report – Part 2


An Idea Takes Hold!

Completed in March 2005, this analysis examined current and future needs that, at that time, centered around optimizing the existing system, improving, and expanding the system, and supporting a region-wide rapid transit system.

Final Report

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