You don’t have to live here to ask for help here. IndyGo welcomes visiting paratransit riders with open doors.

Apply for Visitor Status

If you’re visiting Indianapolis and need paratransit transportation because of a disability, you are eligible to use IndyGo Access for 21 days within a rolling 365-day period. To apply for visitor status, you will need your current paratransit provider to mail or fax IndyGo the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your full address and phone number
  • Your paratransit ID number and expiration date
  • The nature of your disability
  • Personal Care Assistant (PCA) qualified
  • Whether or not you use a service animal

If you don’t have an apparent disability or a paratransit option in your home area, you will need your healthcare provider to mail or fax IndyGo a certification of disability with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your full address and phone number
  • The nature of your disability
  • Whether or not you use a service animal

You must submit the required documentation at least three days before your visit to provide adequate time for processing. Once your request is processed, a temporary pass for use on IndyGo Access and local routes will be mailed to the address you’ve specified. When submitting your documentation, please factor in how long it will take your mail to get to IndyGo.

Fax Number: 317-614-9316

Mailing Address:

Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation
Attn: IndyGo Access
1501 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46222

Our Current Projects

  • Prepare for Purple