We offer a travel-training program to help you and your team become better at providing travel assistance. Learn the ropes and then share with those around you!

The more you know, the more you IndyGo.

By teaching service providers the best ways to ride IndyGo, we can help them help their constituents expand their transit access to Indianapolis-area jobs, healthcare and government facilities, outdoor and recreational facilities, shopping centers and grocery stores, community centers, banking services and more.

Reaching more people helps us maximize these positive community results, so we maintain a “train-the-trainer” effort to help individuals and organizations train riders in their communities.

If you or your organization are interested in attending an IndyGo Travel Training program, please contact Kayla Bledsoe at kayla.bledsoe@indygo.net to arrange one for your organization.

We can also provide you with free Rider Guidelines as well.

Request Travel Training Form

Our Current Projects

  • Prepare for Purple